
Appliances Helpful Tips

Washing machine leaking? Here are four reasons why.

Everyone knows how vital a good washing machine is to any household, and as with any other gadget or gizmo in the house, sometimes it can have its fair share of problems. That’s when it might be time to look into washing machine repairs. One of the most common issues you’ll encounter are water leaks, and there are a number of causes that could be behind this issue.

Today, we’ll look at four of the top reasons why your washer might spring a leak.

1. The Hoses
Most of the time it will be the drain and fill hoses that you’ll need to worry about, but there are other internal hoses as well. If you notice a leak when your machine is in the fill cycle, then the internal hose could be to blame. Usually a visual inspection of the hoses will let you know if one of them is the troublemaker.

2. The Pump
Next up is the water pump that drains the tub once the rinse cycle is complete. If you see leaks during a wash or drain cycle, it could be the hoses or other connections attached to the pump. This requires some disassembly to get to, so it’s best to let a professional handle it.

3. The Gasket
It could also be the tub cover gasket. This is designed to be a good seal between the tub cover and the outer tub. If the gasket is bad, you might experience leakage during either the wash or spin cycles. You should be able to visually check if the gasket is sealing properly or not.

4. The Valve
The water inlet valve is the part of the washing machine which controls the flow of both hot and cold water into the tub of the machine. It’s usually near the back of the machine, near where the hoses are connected. If you notice the machine leaking in the rear during the filling process, it’s possible the valve could be your problem.

These are just a few of the things that can cause leaks. If you notice a substantial leak coming from your machine, contact your local repair professionals and get your machine serviced as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more water and money will be wasted.

How to look after your fridge.

Your fridge is an extremely hard-working appliance; it runs 24/7 and is expected to keep going for around 13 years, so it’s going to need a little TLC to keep it working at its best. Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do on a regular basis to keep it in good condition.

Defrost it
New fridge-freezers usually have an auto-defrost function, but if you have an older model, you’ll need to defrost it whenever ice starts to build up. If you don’t, your fridge won’t be running as efficiently as it should be, so your electricity bills will be higher and it could send your appliance to an early grave. There are a few different ways to go about defrosting it, the most common is with hot water, but you could also use a hair dryer or rubbing alcohol if the build-up isn’t too extreme.

Store food properly
Make sure all the food and drink you keep in your fridge is properly stored; it should be in appropriate containers and dated, so you can easily keep an eye on when things need to be thrown away.

Clean it
It’s important to clean your fridge on a regular basis. Whenever the shelves start to get dirty or it starts to smell a little, have a clear-out and wipe down the insides.

Check the temperature
To ensure your fridge is working optimally, you can monitor the temperature. Buy a fridge-freezer thermometer and use it to check that the fridge is no more than 5ºC in its coldest part and the freezer is between -18ºC and -22ºC.

Check the door gasket and condenser coils
Roughly every three months, inspect the door gasket and clean the condenser coils. The gasket should be clean and seal correctly when you close the door. The condenser coils can be found at the back of the fridge – you can use a brush attachment on your vacuum to remove any dust or hair from them.

Get help when you need it
Even if you attentively care for your fridge, it still might run into trouble from time to time. Common problems with fridges include leaking, over-heating, over-cooling, and excessive noise; so if your fridge is displaying any worrying symptoms, it would be best to call in a professional. At Fixzit, you can find experienced, qualified and knowledgeable Ipswich electricians, plumbers and other specialists. If you’re located in Brisbane or the surrounding area, we can take care of all your electrical, plumbing and appliance needs. Get in touch today on 1300 726 806.

The essential guide to smoke alarms.

Smoke alarms in Brisbane are cheap to purchase and easy to install. It’s worth the effort, as it could protect your family not just from a fire, but also injuries related to inhaling smoke. In the hot summer sun, we know it’s easy for a bush fire to quickly get out of control.

By law, you actually have to have smoke alarms installed in your home throughout Brisbane. The reason why is simple – a smoke alarm will warn you if there’s danger in your home, and could save your life.

The essential guide to smoke alarms

But how do you test a smoke alarm’s functionality? We’ve come up with this quick guide to ensure your smoke alarms in Brisbane are working as they should.

Where to install your smoke alarm
Your smoke alarms should be placed on each floor of your house and in every area where you sleep. A good place to add them is outside all your bedrooms and near the stairways.

Types of smoke detectors alarms
There are two types of smoke alarms – battery-operated smoke detectors and AC-powered alarms.

The cheapest type are battery units and these can be placed anywhere in your home. However, you need to check them regularly to ensure the battery isn’t flat.

AC-powered smoke alarms are more expensive, as they have to be installed by an electrician. However, there are many benefits to these alarms. They tend to be more reliable as you can plug them directly into your power system, and if the power goes out they will switch to battery backups so they won’t turn off.

Testing your smoke alarms
No matter what type of smoke alarm you’ve installed in your home, all should come with a test button which sound their alarm when pushed. A light will also flash or turn on when the alarm is in use.

Schedule a time each month to use a ladder to test your smoke alarms. All you need to do is reach up and hit the test button. If nothing happens, then your battery might need changing. If you replace the battery and your test button still isn’t transmitting a noise, you’ll need to switch the alarm for a new one. This should be done straight away to ensure safety.

Generally if the battery is going flat, the smoke alarm will sound to let you know it’s time to replace the battery.

Three common refrigerator problems & how to fix them.

When it comes to kitchen appliances, the refrigerator is definitely among the most important, and it’s always a pain when your fridge doesn’t work as it should. Today, we’ll look at a few of the common problems associated with refrigerators and some things you can do to try and fix them.

1. The fridge is at a full stop
Sometimes the refrigerator seems to have just stopped working completely. This is usually due to a lack of power. First, you want to grab another device and try plugging it into the same socket that your fridge uses. If that device also doesn’t work then it could be the socket itself or possibly a fuse or breaker issue. If it does work and does get proper power, then the issue is with your refrigerator. At this point you can check the compressor, thermostat, wiring, and relays to see if any of them might be the cause, or you can call one of our local Brisbane electricians for assistance.

2. The fridge is not keeping its cool
Another common problem with refrigerators is the old “it’s on but it’s not cooling” issue. This can happen for a number of reasons. First, check the thermostat to make sure it’s properly set and decrease the temperature if needed. Also, have a listen to the compressor, located in the rear of the fridge at the bottom. If you can hear a steady noise and your fridge isn’t cooling, then one or more of the compressor’s parts could be the problem. Also, make sure the light comes on when you open the door. No light could mean no power which also means no cooling.

3. The fridge door won’t stay shut
Last but not least, there is a rather annoying issue that pops up from time to time involving the fridge and freezer doors. Sometimes, you close one and the other pops open. This is a relatively minor issue, but it can be a pain nonetheless. This occurs most often in refrigerator designs in which the freezer is built in. The two chambers are connected by baffles or air channels, and when one door is closed it can create a pressure wave which forces the other door open. The best way to handle this is to check the gaskets on your fridge and make sure the door is sealing properly when it closes. If needed, you can lubricate the gasket using Vaseline or paraffin wax.

If any of these issues are currently affecting your fridge, be sure to contact us or phone 1300 726 806.

Appliances that can improve the value of your home.

When you hear the word ‘appliance’, your mind probably goes straight to the packed cupboard of old blenders, food processors, sandwich presses and slow cookers that never get used. Day to day appliances can quickly become outdated and take up space, rather than improve our quality of life. We’ve found some great appliances that are not only fun to use, but can add to the value of your home.

Built-in coffee machine
We all dream of waking to the smell of freshly brewed coffee; well, with a whole range of new appliances, this is a possibility! There are plenty of coffee machines that are now designed to be built in to your kitchen, so you can enjoy barista style coffee every morning of the week. If you couple this with some fancy home automation technology, you can even program it to wake you up in the morning!

Double drawer dishwashers
A quality dishwasher is always a fantastic investment for your home, but when choosing the right model for you, consider a double drawer dishwasher. It might seem like a small, unnecessary detail, but these dishwashers not only save on water and electricity, but also mean you don’t need to fill a whole machine with dirty dishes before switching it on. No more smelly dishes!

A smart fridge
This might seem like another unnecessary appliance, but you’ll be eating your words when your fridge sends a text to remind you that you’re out of milk! New smart fridges can do everything, including acting as a water filter, providing an endless stream of ice for your beverages, and sensing when you’re running low on groceries.

Need help with your appliance installations?
Now you’ve selected your new favourite appliance, you should bring in the professionals to have it installed. Anything that requires plumbing or wiring should be left to the experts! Find Brisbane plumbers, electricians or appliance specialists at Fixzit! We service everything from air conditioning and electrical needs, right through to plumbing and appliance installations. We operate in the wider Brisbane area, including Ipswich and the Bayside, so our contractors are just a phone call away.

4 Common Oven Temperature Problems.

Ovens are included in most homes whether they are rented or bought, and this means that tenants or new homeowners often inherit oven issues. The most common problem with older ovens is that they do not heat or regulate the temperature correctly, and this is the most common problem our oven repair specialists fix. The specific causes for oven temperature problems can be many, and the appliance repair experts at Fixzit explain them in detail this article.

1. Oven Seals
If you can stick a piece of paper between the oven door and the inside of the oven, it’s likely that the seals need replacing which will also save on energy consumption. Worn, torn or degraded oven seals can let temperature escape and make it difficult to maintain higher temperatures for baking and add to your electric or gas bill.

2. Broken Elements
Broil and bake elements are located at the roof and base of the oven. Sometimes the cause of uneven cooking of food is because one of these elements has stopped working. You can visually check that they are working to see if each element is red in colour while the oven is on. Fortunately heating elements can be easily replaced by an electrician. Corroded or damaged wiring can also be the cause of broken oven elements.

3. Thermostat and temperature Seals
The most likely cause of an oven overheating is a faulty thermostat which regulates the oven temperature and switches the oven element on and off to maintain the desired temperature. These can break off or become loose which can cause problems with overheating making it difficult to cook.

4. Oven Insulation has become degraded
Insulation helps keep heat within an oven and help food cook evenly. Over time this can degrade especially if it has become covered in greases and oils. If you start seeing insulation material bleeding out of the oven, coming from walls and oven casing, it’s time to have the oven inspected and insulation replaced. Sometimes mice can make the oven their home and use the insulation for nesting, so if you’ve seen droppings the sooner you act the better.

If your oven is not heating correctly and you are renting, it’s the landlord’s responsibility to fix it. Old ovens can be inefficient, and Fixzit appliance repair specialists will provide honest advice on what your best course of action is with malfunctioning ovens. Sometimes the fix is easy, and you can enjoy your trusty oven as it should be once again.

To find out more about oven or other appliance repairs and to arrange an inspection, call us today on 1300 726 806.

Guide to Buying Energy Efficient Appliances.

Dishwashers, air conditioners, hot water systems and fridges are some of the biggest energy consuming appliances in our homes. Older models can be particularly inefficient and the costs of keeping these running can quickly mount up, tipping the scales in favour of replacing them with newer more energy efficient appliances. But before you go out and buy new appliances, the Fixzit appliance repair and installation experts share some tips to guide you through the process of buying an energy efficient replacement.

How to buy energy efficient appliances
Star Ratings
– Buy the highest star rating you can afford. The higher the energy star rating the lower the appliance will cost to run. Each additional star reduces energy consumption from that appliance by around 20 per cent annually.

– Don’t buy a bigger fridge, washing machine or air conditioner that you need. This will just cost more than is necessary to run – even if it has a higher star rating.

Do Your Research
– Use the energy rating website to compare and investigate the expected running costs of your appliance model of choice.

Look for Energy Efficient Featires
– Look for water efficiency including washers with economy cycles.

– Consider alternatives to electric clothes dryers e.g Gas-fired and heat pump models. While they may are more expensive to buy and install they will be far cheaper to run. Look for dryers with moisture sensors which will reduce heat when it’s not needed, while making the most of residual heat.

– Look for Dishwashers with an economy load setting for smaller loads and a high water star rating.

– Buy a reverse cycle air conditioner with inverter technology. The heating component of these is three times more efficient than electric bar heaters.

– Only buy a fridge with at least a 4 star rating. Look for energy efficient features including thermostat control and door alarms.

Only Buy and Run Appliances you Need
– Running a bar fridge or excess air conditioners can be unnecessary if they are not needed by your family size and needs. Don’t over or undersize. This is very important. A fridge or air conditioner that is too small will struggle to cool adequately and may end up costing more than a slightly larger model to run.

Depending on what appliance you buy should determine what features to look for, and how much it will cost to run. We strongly recommend our Brisbane customers compare different models on the Australian Government’s energy rating website linked to above.

For all your appliance repair and installation needs, contact Fixzit today on 1300 726 806.
